the it systems trainer
Creating the next gen it professionals
the IT systems trainer is an online training provider with the focus on the student by enriching their knowledge and training new skills. we aim to provide the best 100% online instructor led training at the best possible prices
the it systems trainer course specials
courses on special
We currently only have CompTIA and Microsoft Courses on Offer:
admission process steps
Course enrollment now open:
Online applications now open - No prior education or skills needed - Completely student orientated - we care about you and helping you build a successful career.
Students trained world wide
Students certified world wide
current students enrolled
courses on offer
Microsoft Teams online classes:
learn online with the it systems trainer:
All classes are held through online groups sessions through Microsoft teams and zoom as a backup. upon enrollment and class confirmation each student receives a special invite with a link to the specific course enrolled.

dedicated group of
Be part of an elite group of students who stopped at nothing to create a success of their personal and iT career.